Meet Christian Singles - Try Out Our Dating Service For Free!

Are you over the age of 18?

Are you interested in finding local singles Christians?  This could be the perfect site for you. Registration is quick, free and easy. Once you've joined, tell us a bit about yourself, add a few photos of yourself and start searching for local Christians. Use our tools to find singles near you. You can even add filters to help you find your perfect match. Search your choice of characteristics, interests and more. If you find someone that seems interesting, send them an introduction message.

We work similarly to other online dating create a profile and then search for potential matches based on things such as geography, age, interests, but, we also have features and tools that enable users to connect with people based on their religious views.

We are a long-running and trusted Christian dating site. We have a dedicated customer care team to help you with any questions you may have about the site. All profiles are checked for authenticity and if you ever have any suspicions about anyone on the site you can message us to let us know about them. We check every report we receive and will always take the necessary action. Your security is very important to us so we work with industry-leading dating security companies to ensure you have the best experience possible. We have a free 10 day trial to join & search so why wait? Join us now and see who could be waiting for you.